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Finding the best company for house to house removals in the U.K. or abroad is not easy

There are 14,100 registered removals companies in the UK but only one in twenty three of those belong to the British Association of Removers (BAR). It is the only UK movers association that is recommended by International Federation of International Movers (FIDI) the global alliance which monitors its seven hundred member associations around the world.

Who are the best removalists near me?

The answer to your question "Who are the best house removalists near me?” can be provided by our expert panel of experienced house removalists.

By filling in our house moves free quote form you provide the information needed for our panel to assess your needs and arrange a free quotation for you.

The panel will assess your requirements and will ensure that you are contacted only by a member of BAR or FIDI, home removers who have sufficient capacity and flexibility to ensure you meet your Completion deadline.

Home Removal Costs

There are many factors which affect home removal costs including those for moving Manchester companies:

  • The amount and nature of the home contents to be moved.

  • Whether the move is domestic or international.

  • The distance and time it will take.

A home survey will ensure that the free move quote is soundly based and will be guaranteed by the successful company.

It is worth noting that the competition among removals companies is fierce and quotes from the most experienced and trustworthy are unlikely to show much variation.

Taking the stress out of house to house removals

Finding the best HOUSE to house  removals company

The successful completion of your home move depends heavily on who you choose as your house to house removals company.


It needs to be professional and trustworthy and large enough to have the flexibility to be able to change your home move date if necessary.

Cheapest is Seldom Best

Reliability and flexibility far outweigh peripheral cost savings when it comes to something as important as house-to-house removals.

Do-it-yourself removals, hiring a man with a van have their place in the home removals market and there are hundreds of companies which will offer you attractive prices and promises.

But cheapest is seldom best and this is never truer that with you house to house removals company.

The Good, the Bad,the Indifferent and the Rogues

Removals companies market their services almost entirely on the Internet, and many have smart websites with enticing messages but there could be problems for homeowners wanting to move house.


Faced with a confusing range of choices, home movers including those using moving Manchester companies have little chance of being able to drill down to determine who is trustworthy and who is not.


And the problem is magnified because some companies fraudulently claim that they are members of BAR or FIDI when they are not.

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